We are excited for another opportunity to go to Jordan to give food and aid to the refugees that live there! The persecuted Iraqi Christians will be our primary focus during our upcoming trip. We also will be serving the Sudanese and Syrian refugees.
Our small family run organization’s primary purpose is to improve the quality of life for refugee families. Many people ask why are the refugees so destitute? It’s all because they were forced to flee their home countries. In the case of the Iraqi Christian believers, denying their faith in Jesus Christ was not an option. When facing the onslaught of ISIS in 2014 forcing them to convert, be killed or leave, they bravely left, even though it meant facing an unknown future.
In the Body of Christ, when one member suffers, the other members suffer with them. The Iraqi Christian refugees continue to suffer and that’s why we continue to be their voice and appeal for aid on their behalf.
We’re humbly asking for your prayers for this October trip, and we graciously appreciate your consideration of donating to share your bread with them. No amount is too little, and they are all extremely grateful for your support!
- Restoring Faith Team, August 2024
