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The Cost of Serving

Being able to serve others who cannot help themselves is one of the greatest joys one can experience. This is what I have personally experienced while being a part of Restoring Faith, Inc. I look to Jesus and His example while He was on earth, how He “Emptied Himself, by taking the form of a servant,” and “When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless.” Jesus has given Restoring Faith, Inc. the honor and privilege of continuing His service to the harassed and helpless of our day and age. 

Serving is work. It can be difficult, strenuous, demanding. It can feel impossible at times. But it is right and good and true. In the midst of the tragedies and horrors that we hear of and experience while serving the families, we get to sample bits and pieces of joy that make it all worth the while. Some of the specifics that stand out in my mind have been buying a guitar for Katarina (a blind girl whose joy comes from music), playing “Sorry!” with some of our favorite kids (trying my best to make sure they win), hand delivering 50 mattresses in just four hours, renting a new apartment for a family living in a rat infested basement, and funding an emergency surgery for an ectopic pregnancy. These memories are the crowns I will place at the feet of Jesus when I see Him face to face. It is only through His example, His strength, and His grace that we have the privilege of serving these families. 

Jesus has taught me what the price of servanthood is. It is a disease that, when caught, cannot be contained or inhibited in your soul. Even as I write this, my heart burns in longing to do more. To feed more. To give more. To sacrifice more. There is a paradox in serving which still, to this day, evades me. And no matter how hard I try I cannot break this law that God has established; “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” 

The reward of serving far outweighs the cost. The people we serve bless us more than we do them. They have become more than just refugees we serve, more than just mouths we feed, more than just friends. They have become family, one of us, or rather, we have become one of them. And when we empty ourselves of our riches in order to fill up what they are lacking, we find that we are not giving to others but to ourselves. For they are one with us, as we are all One in Him. 

- Christian Liang, President of Restoring Faith, Inc., May 2024


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