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Refugee Immigration News!

We are excited to report that during the last few months, eleven Iraqi Christian families from our distribution list were selected to immigrate to Australia! They have had a successful transition and it has been a blessing to see their joy in the fulfillment of this dream.

You, our partners, graciously supported them and gave them the hope to hang on. You gave them dignity by showing them they are valued. You gave them confidence that through patient endurance, immigration would become a reality. The restoring of faith, hope, dignity is the goal we strive for.

As we now acquire new families, we look forward to once again love our neighbors as ourselves, and to continue to help improve their quality of life!

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:10

- Restoring Faith Team, September 2022


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